Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Deer in headlights

If life were an Antarctic Adventure, mine would be a one-track journey. too.

My vague understanding of barrier tunneling allows the notion that there is a one-in-infinity chance that not a single seal-ish particle would touch me, and hey I might just be the lucky one who learns how to levitate pass the cracks in the ice, hence barreling headlong is well-worth the shot.

and my adventure would have a HP bar. but I would be so busy tripping and climbing out of the chasms I land myself in, that I don't notice the lifepoints seeping away nor the other penguins I should have met and kept in contact with along the way.

if there was a whole bonanza of fishy goodness just a shuffle to the right, I probably wouldn't budge anyway.

and actually, this analogy isn't valid. I don't move that fast.

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