Sunday, December 14, 2008

Deep Thought was mistaken; the Ultimate Answer is revealed

So. While looking for steamboat hunts on the Web, I learn that the steamboat restaurants in Marina Bay have shifted. and I find this:
and this:
and this:
Yes, the answers were given by the same person. Yes, I found this person's steamboat answer entertaining enough to leaf thru his other answers.

After an angsty Friday evening, I turn to track stupid stuff on Yahoo! answers and laugh my head off at the thumbs-up ('Ups ah!') some answers are getting and at some stingy asshat of a Singaporean who awards 3 stars instead of the full 5 stars even tho his question has been answered fully. this has been a weekend well spent

Friday, December 12, 2008

Setting things straight

I wasn't supposed to work today.
Learning that I'm to usher the crowd on the day of the event itself does not allow me enough time to shelf all plans for that day, in case you wondered.
The six months I gave myself is up, and I no longer feel obliged to give a damn.
I honestly think it's fucked-up that you would let an employee go when he gave so much (even if it was not consistent) and there were only a few days left in his employment period. And also that most of the time, you had someone else tell him the bad stuff. Eventually that someone else would be the one taking all the rap. But I guess I don't know the full story and that I was not around to experience the daily dose of shit.
Yes, I blew my first sem, but I have more than an inkling how it happened.
Seeing me everyday does not make you privy to all that I do.
No one should be taken at face value all the time.
Really, I do think two's a crowd. Talk to me again when I'm out of probation, y'all. Unless stars and ice cream are your thing.
If I am amazingly competent at something you assumed I would be inept at, thank you and fuck you very much.
The inverse of the above conditional applies. I'm sorry.
In August '08, x, y, z Z, x != 0.
My face was crimson, but, no, this isn't another drunken blog post.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Topping the Dim's List

Ah. I swear this is the last time I am doing what I did.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Deader than dead

[edited a billion times over for readability]

Are you there God? It's me, The Idiot. 

I know you exist, I know you dote on me. 

That's why on the one day of the week I decide to do my laundry, it drizzles, trickles, pours. This happens everytime. This week was a record-breaker -- me and my neighbour brought the clothes indoors 3 times (twice for her, because I brought in hers the last time it rained) after hanging it out to dry. My neighbour has sworn to never wash her clothes on the same day I do. 

After skipping all lessons, and on the one day of the week I decide to attend school, it pours also. and I take the wrong bus (it's been 16 weeks since I moved in to hostel, seriously). I ended up late for class. I stepped in, didn't recognise the person at the blackboard, and backed out of the room. Then hovered outside the door for a few minutes. Why were there so many empty seats? Was another tutor taking over the class because the rain had caused traffic jam? Had there been any mention of an optional tutorial in the webcast I had not been following? And why couldn't I recognise the students? but that wouldn't be strange. Seriously. This is what happens when you do not have a single friend in any module. Then 10mins ago, in the library I remembered that my slot starts an hour later. It's scary. If I'd been particulary nervous about my grade, I would have stayed for that stranger's class and not known that it was the wrong class til the next tutor (my tutor) stepped in. 

I have covered more in this week than the semester combined. Which frankly, isn't saying much.

Seriously, I'd be delirious with joy if I attained CAP 2.0. Seriously, someone has to stop me from using 'seriously'. 

Her Majesty | 慧敏 blank. one of the many in the world

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Monologue / Soliloquy

It's been x years, y months and z days since we met. and longer since we spoke to each other at all. And still I hang over your every word. . and it fucking hurts when i read your short prose. and I know I don't deserve that trashing. the oblique references; the colours, the storm, the stars -- do we know where the fuck we stand?

Waiting in Copenhagen. for my head to be sawed off. again.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Good morning sunshine!

The earth says Hullo!
In the great, grand tradition of Singaporeans abroad, I have brought with me suitcases of stuff to Ulu Hall. But I still need the instant noodles for proof of identity. So far it has been great fun, and I am waiting to make my first friend. Several UFOs have landed on my bed since I put on the sheets last night, but I come prepared; should these invasions escalate to a crisis, Baygon and Antimos to the rescue!
It's Week 0, so school has not started, and I still have plenty of time to get a haircut, continue with Dvorak, and the likes.
I'm ready to know why 1+1=2!

Monday, July 07, 2008

too sleepy to be funny

L v. C (the  other one) type 1
the Anarchist is convinced that a Singapore full of him will never require a central Govt's hand to operate. And if he had his way, the process of renewal will take place without delay every year
young, gorgeous, and dead. most above 55 year olds are as good as useless.
in his world, anyone a day above fifty would volunteer to line up together and jump into a pit of fire. obviously these people would be put to good use -- their ash could be used to reclaim land til Pangea is formed again (that was actually my addition -- and a damn good one, if I may say so myself!)
but  i think that such a person is the most prone to turning into a dictator.

L (also another one) v. C the same other one) type 2
in this L vs C scenario, reversal of roles has taken place. the L is now David and the C has morphed into a Goliath.
i found this hilarious, but it has nothing to do with why i burst out laughing at the wrongest time.
rather alarmingly, i recognised the same oft-criticised traits in myself from the very beginning

the poop that could
the WC I frequent is incapable of handling heavy-duty usage. or ultra-buoyant 'stuff'

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The lil' things that bother me

I wasn't a superofficer
I've never had sex on the beach. or at all. no actually this doesn't bother me much, added it for fun
I haven't produced or shot on the HD workflow. nor do i know what it means
I haven't produced or directed a single film
I couldn't code in HTML, PHP, ASP, and SQL at 17, and still can't
I have no idea what's the Baroque music era, if there is one
I have just 3 skirts and wear only only 1
I couldn't do a DVD [OR insert item of choice] sales pitch even if my life depended on it
I am not thinking substantial thoughts at all
At the age of 27 the only thing i think i'll concern myself with would be my debt
I am not overperforming!
I have no desire to get a tattoo. but if i had a change of heart at the age of 51, I wouldn't give a damn what the Bible dictates
I am not on an overseas scholarship.
I don't -- never did -- write or speak well and it gets bloody worse every bloody year
I am not an actress
I am not boyish-cute and pretty
When I hit 30, there is abs no way i am going to look like a 22 year old. i mean, look at me now!
I told the SMU interviewers of my interest in derivations and then promptly and brightly proclaimed that I'd forgotten ALL of them. which was the horrible truth
I have a peculiar sense of humour, even i think so
^I don't own a single Apple product. I am amazed the boxes and Macs in the office don't punish me by collapsing on me when i go near them. I am secretly afraid that the brochures are conspiring to come together to whirl me away to Apple Neverland á la the Sylphs in The Spiderwick Chronicles

I can't recall how to use modals
I overuse 'thing'
I have never been 19

Everyone I'm met at the new workplace is a Very Interesting Person (Maybe I am just dull)! I can learn a lot from them. I just need the conversation to start and move beyond canned drinks, $1.50 snacks, and ticket stubs.

I am currently very much enamoured with JB. i wish i could include a representation of her somewhere, but to do that i'd need to first get past the tricky bit of explaining what I was doing Googling her name. Until it becomes socially acceptable to openly Google all your colleagues, I will not admit to it! Or I could fib and say I followed a link from facebook, i hope there's a link from over there. I just need to open a facebook account first. Alternatively, she or someone who knows us both could just stumble on this and let me know! JB is, like, the entire package: musical, writes well, pretty, and... geeky! just short of athletic to pwning everyone else. Awesome! She's my role model for the month of July and August. Yay!

Not so yay-worthy news: I cleaned out my reserves on Tues. Bless me

Edited to include this ^ at the end of the list on work related things [The Thing is here again!] that bother me

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Someone stab me please. I turned down a chance to be suspended in midair (for half an hour) with Sodagreen in person. for work

I am such a hardworking bumblebee lah -dee -dah

If no one turns up again on Thurs, I swear I am going to stop speaking to You-know-who in civilised tones for 2 weeks

And yesterday, I saw a 51-year-old flash her middle finger no less than 3 times (granted it was at the same, um, target). I hope I am as feisty when I'm half her age

Sunday, March 16, 2008

11th Hour was a blast! The journey to and fro was hell