Thursday, December 04, 2014

Must be the hair

I got a hair cut. I wanted to look like Audrey Hepburn in this photo. 

The connection was spotty there, and I couldn't get this particular picture out, as it was further down the results page. So I describe it instead.

Me: I want a V-shaped, slanted fringe. 
Aunt: a v-shaped fringe will make you look weird. You will look like sun wukong.

I opt for slanted only. She starts cutting my fringe away, and it comes off different from what I had in mind.

Me: how can this be salvaged? 
Aunt: it cannot be salvaged. (pauses for a few seconds and resumes cutting my fringe.)

At work, 
Colleague: this isn't Audrey Hepburn. It is What Happened?!

On the LRT,
A young girl starts crying after I burst out laughing in front of her. 

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