Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Know the rules before you break 'em

Encountering yet another lull in ambition. 

Father asked again this morning how it was that I could have failed to hand in all my coursework, and I wasn't quite sure how to reply him, cos I have forgotten myself, you see. (As with all things me) It is unbelievable and, at the same time, very believable that I could not fulfill the passing criteria that is 30%.

and he asked if I might apply for management programs at SIM. why haven't I considered that seriously myself?

Sunday, February 06, 2011

The one where I squeeze in a review

Hullo! I am recovering from a particularly persistent bout of flu. And while I slept the earth rumbled and I entertained thoughts of escapism.

My 2010 was pretty exhilarating, except maybe where I had to do basic programming again again and then once more. I was doing something awesome every month. I first laughed when I heard that somebody had commented that I had practically played away my time in school and then nearly cried when I mused over it on my own. No, I haven't found that elusive thing that makes me mistake work for play. 

Got to go start clearing some of that backlog now